Monday, July 9, 2007

Getting caught in the rain

Going to the beer tent at the Monona 4th of July festival is a good idea. Not wearing a rain coat or bringing an umbrella to the beer tent while its raining is a not so good idea.

Lucia, Loud, and I decided to go to the beer tent July 3rd after a couple of stressful days at work. Hooray for the holiday! By the time we were ready to head over to join in on the festivities, it was raining rather heavily. Loud and I did not think ahead and bring an umbrella or even a garbage bag to protect our luckily dark colored cotton clothes. Lucia planned ahead and was nice and dry in her lovely rain coat.

We looked like we just got out of the shower when we arrived at the beer tent. Although, we were soaked our spirits weren't dampened. We indulged in a few cheap beers, had some laughs, and waited for Lucia to bring the car close by before Loud and I left the tent. The beer tent definitely always equals a good time.

1 comment:

11frogs said...

Hehe! Just don't try to cross from the beer tent to the picnic tables. The super vigilant Monona police who do not card anyone actually entering the beer tent will guard those picnic tables to the death.